Deliver telehealth services securely with confidence.

During the pandemic and for the foreseeable future, health providers need a private, reliable solution to deliver essential healthcare services remotely. Workstorm helps you pivot to telehealth now to meet patient needs, while setting up your practice to enhance efficiency and to build strong connections to the community you serve.

Powerful video features

Create real connections with patients through one-click videoconferencing, with built-in features like screen sharing to discuss treatment plans or other content in real time.

Holistic collaboration

Telehealth requires more than just videoconferencing. Workstorm comes with a full suite of productivity tools and can integrate with your own software to maximize efficiency.


Workstorm’s HIPAA-certified platform is specifically designed with privacy in mind, safeguarding personal health information at every step.

More than half of Americans say the pandemic has increased their willingness to try telehealth.


Privacy first, from day one.

Workstorm takes a no-compromises approach to provider and patient confidentiality, with privacy and security in mind from design to execution.

  • Encrypted videoconferencing based on trusted industry best practices
  • Unique links for each videoconferencing call to minimize risk
  • Clear and straightforward privacy policies
  • Videoconferencing does not require a plugin to be installed
  • Zero sharing of data for third party use

Platform options for every provider.

Wondering which package to pick? Workstorm has options for healthcare providers of all sizes.

Ready to Start Your Team’s Private and Secure Collaboration?